Joy Silver on the Issues

Joy Silver will put her business experience to work in Sacramento to deliver for our communities.

Joy is a business owner and a champion of emerging businesses. She’s made tough decisions and delivered real results, in good times and bad. She has a deep commitment to early childhood education and investment in higher learning and career and vocational training.

  • Joy Silver built a senior living community from the ground up, to help seniors retire with dignity and security.
  • Joy Silver led a team in the provision of comprehensive healthcare and mental health services.
  • Joy Silver has given back to her community through organizations working on equality and education.

Joy will bring her practical approach to the legislature and focus on getting things done!

Joy Silver has delivered real results on affordable housing by working to build senior living communities and bring more affordable homes to Riverside County.

In the State Senate, Joy will tackle the affordable housing crisis Riverside families are facing:

  • Fighting for our fair share of state housing funds to reduce Riverside County’s affordable housing shortage.
  • Strengthening protections for working families, seniors, and veterans on fixed incomes from evictions.
  • Increasing the number of shelters for people facing housing insecurity, and aiding adults living with chronic mental illness to find emergency housing and services.


Increase Use of

The Renewable Energy economy is a 21st century solution for good-paying, sustainable jobs. Today fossil fuels still dominate every aspect of our lives – from fuel to plastic goods, from electricity and even in fertilizer that grows our food. From documented cases of cancer causation, birth defects and air pollution, the effects have a negative impact on every living being, wildlife, oceans, and endangers our existence.very existence.

Joy’s Priorities:

  • Protect clean air and clean water and provide healthy food free from carcinogens for all communities.
  • Work to solve the challenges Salton Sea.
  • Protect vulnerable communities who often bear the brunt of environmental injustice.
  • Upgrade buildings to achieve maximal energy and water efficiency.
  • We can – we must – protect clean air and clean water and provide healthy food free from carcinogens for all communities.

Joy Silver knows that we can meet 100 percent of our power needs through clean, renewable, and zero-emission energy by expanding existing renewable power sources.

Silver and her legislative team have an initiative to strengthen renewable energy efforts here in California. Keep Our Skies Clean Act (KOSCA) is designed to use renewable energy sources for jet fuel to help in the effort to ensure clean air, clean water and clean food.

Joy Silver is running for State Senate to bring practical solutions for the challenges we face. She will always stand up for the people of Riverside County and fight for our fair share of resources from Sacramento.

Joy’s Healthcare Priorities

Reduce The Cost of Prescription Drugs:  California must continue to lead the way in expanding drug pricing transparency, and group negotiating purchase power in order to help lower costs and ensure greater access to life saving drugs for more Californians.

Protect Existing Coverage: The GOP Congress’ reckless plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act would be disastrous for Riverside families and put Medi-Cal and Medicare in jeopardy for Riverside County. With her career experience in healthcare, Joy is uniquely positioned to work on these challenges.


    Protecting Healthcare

    Prioritize Preventative Care To Tame Costs: The best way to keep patient’s health, especially seniors, is through regular checkups and preventative care that stops illnesses before they get worse. Joy will work to change the incentives in our healthcare system so that providers are encouraged to perform more preventative care, saving lives and saving money.